Arisu Dental Clinic

zip code 480-0305
1-1526-1 Sakashita-cho, Kasugai, Aichi

If you’re coming by train/bus.

JR Chuo Main Line KOZOJI is the nearest station. Exit the ticket gate and go left.

Go up the stairs (Stair C) and go aboveground.

Go to Meitetsu Bus Stop③. Take one of the following buses.
・Bus bounding for Tokadai Center
・Bus bounding for Ken-iryou-ryouiku-sogo-center
・Bus bounding for Utsutsu Jinjya.
”Izumibashi” is the nearest bus stop.

Get off at the 5th bus stop “Izumibashi.” The fee is 240 yen.

You will see a supermarket “Maxvalu Sakashita” on your left-hand side. Our clinic is in this site. The building is characterized by pink color.

If you’re coming by car.

Parking lot in Maxvalu Sakashita is available.