Ikeshita Sakura Dental Clinic

zip code 464-0841
4th Floor East Building SUNCREA Ikeshita, 8-70-1 Kakuozan-dori, Chikusa, Nagoya, Aichi

If you’re coming by train.

Nagoya Municipal Subway Higashiyama Line IKESHITA is the nearest station.

Go up the stairs and go straight. You’ll see the ticket gate.

Exit the ticket gate. Shopping mall “SUNCREA Ikeshita” is right in front of you.

The entrance is on your right side. Go to the 4th floor.

Our clinic is on the 4th floor.

If you’re coming by car.

Parking lot in SUNCREA Ikeshita is available. We will hand you a 30-minute parking service ticket if you have received medical treatment.

【Coming from Nagoya by car】
Please mark the yellow signboard in this photo.

【Coming from Kakuozan・Higashiyama by car】
Please mark the blue gate in this photo.