Kirari Dental Clinic

zip code 486-0851
FEEL Kasugai, 8-4-58 Shinogi-cho, Kasugai, Aichi

If you’re coming by train/bus.

JR Chuo Main Line JINRYO is the nearest station.Take out the north exit. There is a bus stop (Meitetsu Bus).

Get on a bus bounding for Kachigawa.

Get off at the first bus stop, “Shinogi Hacho-me.” The fee is 170 yen.

Turn right at “Shinogi Hacho-me” Intersection.

Go straight and you will see a supermarket “FEEL Kasugai” on your right hand. Enter the leftmost entrance of the building. Our clinic is on your left-hand side.

If you’re coming by car.

Our clinic is located right along National Route 19. Parking lot in FEEL Kasugai is available.